Walker JHS


BAND 1 (VP749F)

7th - 8th; 5.0 credits

Recommendation: None.


This course is designed for students who have had no previous musical training on a band instrument. Attendance is required at all rehearsals and performances unless prior approval has been granted.


BAND 2 (VP849F)

7th - 8th; 5.0 credits

Recommendation: Teacher recommendation.


In this course basic fundamentals are stressed. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required unless prior approval has been granted.


BAND 3 (VP850F)

7th - 8th; 5.0 credits

Recommendation: Teacher recommendation.


The course is open to those students who can adequately perform on an instrument and who have a good basic knowledge of music fundamentals. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required unless prior approval has been granted.



7th - 8th, 5.0 credits

Recommendation: None


Students will be instructed in basic musicianship and fundamental vocal techniques using introductory singing materials. This may be a performing group, in which case attendance at all rehearsals and performances will be required unless prior approval has been granted.



7th - 8th, 5.0 credits

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation.


This course is open to students with previous performance experience or high musical aptitude and interest. Students will continue instruction in basic musicianship. Vocal independence will be developed through continuing mastery of the vocal techniques of part-singing. This is a performing group and attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required unless prior approval has been granted.


DRAMA 1 (VP711)

7th - 8th, 5.0 credits

Recommendation: None.


This class is an introductory drama course. Students will learn pantomime, improvisation, and monologues, as well as acting in commercials and performing in scenes. Students will learn the basics of theater vocabulary, stage movement, vocal development, characterization, memorization techniques, and play production.


DRAMA 2 (VP811F)

8th, 5.0 credits

Recommendation: A grade of "C" or better in Drama 1 or teacher recommendation.


This advanced drama course continues and builds upon skills acquired in Drama 1. This course provides experiences in acting before public audiences. Opportunities to direct, write, and act in class plays are provided. How to construct scenery, use lights and sound, and create other production effects is reviewed.



7th - 8th, 5.0 credits

Recommendation: Teacher recommendation.


This class will be a compendium of visual and/or performing arts courses which will introduce students to music, art, drama, and dance. Students will get fundamental instruction in each of the four areas with the idea that they can later decide which areas to pursue. Students will be exposed to both practical and performance opportunities in singing and/or playing instruments, ceramics, photography, drawing and painting, dance, and acting and basic elements of the theater. ($$)

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