Walker JHS

Emergency Preparedness Plan

Dear Walker Families,


Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that Walker Junior High School has made preparations to respond effectively in such situations.


Should we have an emergency/disaster during school hours, your student will be cared for at the school.  Our school, district and local agencies have a detailed plan which has been formulated to respond to emergencies.


Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency- here are 5 steps to remember for safety:


  1. Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication. Do not attempt to reach your student by cell phone as this may put your student at further risk and cell phone lines may be needed for emergency communication. Do not post anything on social media as this may put your children at risk if there is an intruder who is also following the posts.
  2. We will relay all emergency communication to you through our home caller system to the telephone number you have designated as the line which you would prefer to receive calls from the school. Please choose a number that allows for messages to be recorded if you are unable to answer.
  3. In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at school, or an off-site location until it is safe for them to be picked up by an identified, responsible adult who is named on the student’s emergency contacts list which you designated in Aeries during registration. Please be sure to consider the following criteria  when you authorize another person to pick up your child at school:
    1. He/She is 18 years of age or older & is known to your child
    2. He/She could walk to the school if necessary & is both aware and able to assume this responsibility
    3. He/She must have a valid ID to pick up your child
  4. Students will only be released at designated reunion areas. They will be identified with signs or posters.
  5. To ensure that students are well taken care of during a prolonged stay at school due to a major disaster, we ask that all families donate $00 to the emergency fund. This fund will provide safe drinking water, food, medical supplies and other essentials for students.


Please bring your $5.00 (cash only) Emergency donation to your on-site registration or submit your donation online using School Pay.


If you have any questions, please contact a member of the school safety team through the front office.



Walker Junior High

Site Safety Team




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