3rd quarter intramurals are here. We are attempting to go paperless with the permission forms so that there will be just one page to turn in to coaches. If your student would like to participate in intramurals, please follow the below link to fill out the online forms. Thank you.
See flyers below for information about Walker engagement opportunities, such as our Chat with the Principal, Parent Learning Walks, Lunch with a Viking, Family Engagement Team, Parent Series and more!
Watch the attached video for a step-by-step demonstration of logging into Aeries for students.
Aeries Student Log-In Video Instructions
California Democracy School
The California Democracy School Project, funded by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, is designed to institutionalize civic learning in schools to prepare ALL students for college, career, and citizenship in the 21st century. The project strengthens existing initiatives including the Common Core State Standards, the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, Partnership for 21st Century Learning, and the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools.
Civic Learning Award
The Civic Learning Award for public schools is co-sponsored by State Superintendent of Public Instruction and California Chief Justice. We recognize and value the important role of public schools in preparing students for participation in our democracy, and have a partnership to support civic education in California. The awards are designed to both celebrate successful efforts to engage students in civic learning and to identify successful models that can be replicated in other schools.
California Honor Roll School
At Walker Junior High we are focused on closing the achievement gap and helping all our students reach academic success, so we're thrilled to be recognized as an #ERPHonorRoll school by @ERP_Learn ! The Educational Results Partnership Honor Roll, sponsored by CBEE, is the only school recognition program in California using student achievement outcomes as the criteria. The Honor Roll is a valuable resource for all schools to identify successful peers and learn about best practices that are improving student achievement. For more info on @edresults and the ERP Honor Roll program, visit: www.edresults.org.
California PBIS Gold School!
Walker Junior High is proud to announce that we have been recognized by the California PBIS Coalition for successful PBIS implementation at the GOLD Level. Our school is a recipient within California's inaugural System of Recognition, reflecting excellence in the measurement of fidelity as well as our efforts in implementing the core features of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
We sincerely appreciate our staff for their hard work and commitment toward implementing PBIS with fidelity and creating the conditions to maximize academic and social behavioral outcomes for ALL students.
CA. Gold Ribbon School
From 2015–17 California recognized schools that demonstrated exemplary achievements with the California GR Schools Program.
Traditionally, the Program honored public schools that showed improved student outcomes as measured through Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) scores and additional measures. As programs and policies evolved, the CDE looked toward the same recognition of educational quality with the implementation of academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) for all pupils, including English learners. California schools that made tremendous gains in implementing SBE policies and their Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) were invited to apply for the California GR Schools Award.
CA. Distinguished School
A California Distinguished School is an award given by the California State Board of Education to public schools within the state that best represent exemplary and quality educational programs. Approximately five percent of California schools are awarded this honor each year following a selection process. Eligibility is based on federal and state criteria.