Walker JHS


Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), is an elementary through postsecondary college readiness system that is designed to increase school-wide learning and performance. AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. The AVID system accelerates student learning, uses research-based methods of effective instruction, and provides meaningful and motivational professional development for teachers, to help them support students. Although AVID serves all students, it focuses on the least served students in the academic middle, who have college potential, but who require additional coaching and tutoring to succeed.  Participation in the AVID Program requires students to attend an AVID elective class, where organizational and academic support, as well as college planning and awareness, are central to the program. AVID is a nationally-recognized program, with a proven record of success at preparing students for college and university admissions.

Leadership Opportunities

Student Government Class

The Student Government class is comprised of 8th grade student who have been chosen to be representatives on the Walker ASB Council.  These students are taught lessons in how to be an effective leader, event planning, time management, and communication.  These students are responsible for weekly programs like the student store, lunch time activities, and recycling, and periodic activities like dances, talent shows, and student recognition.


Education ALLiance:

The Education ALLiance program at Walker Junior High School supports the growth of student leaders. We will focus on creating school activities, learning and applying leadership; practice public speaking skills; and participating in school and community events. Students will grow as leaders this year. In addition, we will also incorporate the P.A.L. (Peer Assistance Leadership) curriculum developed by the Orange County Department of Education. 


This course introduces the concepts of multiculturalism to the junior high school student.  The course develops an awareness of such topics as intercultural understanding, prejudice, stereotypes and the promotion of multicultural harmony.

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