Walker JHS
Course Descriptions

Welcome to VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) at Walker. Our goal here is to offer several different electives for VAPA as we know students have many different talents and gifts to share. We also know Jr. High is a time to try and figure out what you might be good at. We encourage students to step out and try something new in VAPA. Who knows, they may discover a hidden talent. Our programs are as follows:



BAND 1 (BEGINNING BAND) is a year long course for students with no musical training. Students will be taught about the various band instruments, how to read music, music theory and appreciation, and will be performing in two concerts during the school year. Beginning band is open to both seventh and eighth grade students.


BAND 2 (INTERMEDIATE BAND) is a year long course for students with at least one year of musical training. Students will continue their musical training with music theory, music appreciation, and daily playing which will all enhance their ability to perform at a higher lever. In this class students will be performing in four concerts during school year. Intermediate band is open to both seventh and eighth grade students.


BAND 3 (ADVANCED BAND) is a year long, advanced level class for eighth grade students with one or more years of musical training. Advanced band students will continue their musical training with music theory, music appreciation, and daily playing, which will enhance their ability to perform at a higher lever. Advanced band is a performance based class that will perform concerts both on and off campus at various venues including Walker, band festivals, honor band, elementary schools, and Disneyland.

JAZZ BAND is an afterschool class which starts second quarter and is open to advanced band members with concerts throughout the year.


CHOIR 1 (BEGINNING CHOIR) is a year long course for students with no musical training. Students will be taught about the various vocal styles of music, voicing, music theory (how to read the music notes) and music appreciation. Students will be performing in two concerts during the school year, one in the fall and one in the spring. They will also sing at beginning choir clinic. This is during school hours. Beginning choir is open to both seventh and eighth grade students.


CHOIR 2 (INTERMEDIATE CHOIR) is a year long course for students with at least one year of choral experience (elementary school choir, church choir, community musical theatre, talent shows,…). Students will continue their musical training with music theory, music appreciation, ear training, and daily singing. Students will sing in two or three part harmony. All of this will enhance the student’s ability to perform at a higher lever. In this class students will be performing in a minimum of two concerts during the school year. Intermediate choir is open to both seventh and eighth grade students.


CHOIR 3 (ADVANCED CHOIR) is a year long, advanced level class for eighth grade students with one or more years of musical training. Advanced choir students will continue their musical training with music theory, music appreciation, ear training, and daily singing, which will enhance their ability to perform at a higher lever. Students will sing in three and four part harmony. Advanced choir is a performance based class that will perform concerts both on and off campus at various venues including Walker, choir festivals, honor choir, elementary schools, and Disneyland. Seventh grade students may audition at the semester to move into advanced choir. There will be some after school rehearsals for this class.


DRAMA 1  This year-long course is an introductory drama course.  Students will learn pantomime, improvisation, and monologues, as well as performing in scenes.  Students will learn the basics of theater vocabulary, stage movement, vocal development, characterization, memorization techniques, and play production.  No experience necessary.


*DRAMA 2 - See Mrs. Eusebio  This year-long course will focus on productions and performances.  Students must be willing to participate in the productions and are mandatory.  After school rehearsals are mandatory.  Previous play experience is highly recommended. Teacher permission required.

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