English 7 and 8 The English course of study is designed to improve reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills. Through exposure to works of literature and non-fiction, students will gain an appreciation of good writing, have an opportunity to relate to major themes, and develop their own reactions and ideas. The course will work towards developing the habits of mind that will make students both college and career ready. These habits of mind include communicating for various audiences and purposes; comprehending as well as critiquing text; valuing evidence; and using technology and media capably
ELD The goal of this course is to prepare students to be college and career ready by focusing on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that are aligned with the Common Core standards for English Language Arts so that next year they may progress to the next level of ELD or to mainstream English
DRAMA 1 is a year long course for students with no acting experience. Students will be learning to read plays, understand stage directions, understand basic theatrical vocabulary, and work on stage presence and performance techniques. They will also be introduced to “backstage” elements such as; sets, props, costumes, sound effects, and lighting. Drama 1 is good for both the shy student who needs a little encouragement in public speaking and for the student who needs an avenue to express themselves through movement and speech. Drama 1 is open to both seventh and eighth grade students.
DRAMA 2 is a year long course for students with some acting or performance experience. Students will learn to interpret plays, memorize scripts, as well as give and take stage directions. They will use theatrical vocabulary when working on stage. Some students will be on stage acting. These will also learn stage presence and performance techniques. Some students will be technical support for the play or musical. These students will be involved in planning and building sets, finding and organizing props, planning and helping with costumes, make up, lighting, curtains, as well as sound effects and or music for the fall and spring play or musical. Drama 2 is for both the student who desires an avenue to express themselves through movement and speech as well as the student who wants to be behind the scenes supporting the actors on stage. Drama 2 is a performance based class and students in this class will be involved in a fall and spring play or musical.
SPEECH COMMUNICATION This course is for students who wish to improve their method of oral expression. Emphasis is placed on the use of voice, words, gestures, speech preparation, speech delivery, and methods of overcoming fear in speaking before groups. Listening skills, through attention to following directions, analyzing speeches, and lecture note taking will be emphasized