Walker JHS

Science 8 - J.Freeman

Homework for Science 8

Week of Aug 25-29

Mon- Ist Day Activity/ Name Tags

Tues- Scavenger Hunt of Room

Wed- Curriculum Letter/ Safety Contract-- HW

Thurs- Portfolios/ Interest Collage-- HW Due Sept 5

Fri- Pre- Test   NO HW


Week of Sept 1-5

Mon- No School

Tues- Texbook Questions/ Take home book- finish Q for HW

Wed-Branches Vocab-- CW/ HW

Thurs-Science Tools/ Metric Length WS-- CW/HW

Fri- Body Measurement Activity-- CW

Week of Sept 8-12

Mon-Graphing ppt. / Birthday graph-- HW

Tues- Graphing Day #2--CW/ HW

Wed- Graphing Day #3 -- CW/ HW

Thurs- Interpreting Graphs-- CW Review for test-- HW

Fri-- Science Intro Test 

Week of Sept 15-19

Mon--Into. Mass -- Bubble Map practice ws-- HW

Tues- Mass 8 Lab-- CW pics--HW

Wed-Intro. Volume- Bubble Map/ Foldable -CW NO HW

Thurs- Foldable-- volume Finish for HW

Fri- Liquid/ Solid Volume Lab

Week of Sept 22-26

Mon-Irregular Objects lab-- CW/ HW

Tues- Volume practice w/s--- CW/HW 

Mass Practicum test

Wed- Review for test-- CW/HW

Thurs--Volume and Mass Test      NO HW

Fri-- Intro. Density notes and practice ws

Week of Sept 29- Oct. 3

Mon-Density Notes and practice W/S cont. -- CW/HW

Tues- Density Block Lab   NO HW

Wed-- States of Matter Video

Density ws--- HW

Thurs-- Block lab write up and graph-- CW/HW

Fri-- Buoyancy and density ws

Week of Oct. 6-10

Mon- Density Dozen Lab-CW/HW

Tues- Review for Volume/ Mass/ Density Test--Study for Test--HW

Wed- Volume/ Mass/ Density Test   NO HW

Thurs- Intro to Paper Airplane project-- Write Question and Hypothesis--HW

Fri-- Paper Airplane project

Week of Oct. 13-17


Tues--History of Paper Airplanes-- CW finish summary for HW

Question/ Hypothesis typed due

Wed-- Make Control Plane( basic plane with no alterations)

Collect Data-- CW

Type Data table--HW

Thurs--- Make Test plane --Collect data from control and test planes--CW

Type data tables--HW

Fri-- Finish collecting data

Make Double bar graph--CW

Week Of Oct. 20-24

Mon- Finish control and test plane data

Create double bar graph-- CW/ HW

Data tables-- type--HW

Tues-- Finish graphing

Write procedures--type for HW

Wed--Write Analysis Paragraph--CW
​Type for HW

Thurs-- Write 3 paragraph conclusion-CW

Fri- finish conclusion 

Week Of Oct. 27-31

Mon- Intro. Physics Unit 

Forces Notes

Finish Airplane report due Wed. Oct. 29th

Tues-- Net Forces Notes


Airplane report due Wed .Oct. 29th

Wed- Report Due

Forces Vocab-CW/HW

Thurs- Bridges Structures reading/ notes

Summary- HW

Fri-- Intro. Table building activity/ predesign

Week of Nov. 3-7

Mon- Bridge strructures

Intro. Project--Table/ Bridge

Predesign table--CW

Reflection Questions-HW

Tues-- Build Structure


Wed-- Build / Test Structure

Reflection --HW

Redesign-- HW

Thurs- Redesign and Rebuild Table/ Bridge

Reflection- HW

Fri-- Build and Test Structure

Week of Nov 10-14

Mon- No School

Tues- No School

Wed- Collect and go over Forces study guide

Review game

Thurs- Friction Story-- CW/ HW

Study for test-- HW

Fri-- Forces Test

Week of Nov. 17-21

Mon-  Forces Test


Tues-  Tug of War-- Review of Forces and Friction-HW

Wed-  Go over test

Newton's Laws Foldable- CW  finish law #1- HW

Thurs- Newton's Laws Foldable- CW finish law #2- HW

Fri- Newton's Laws Foldable- CW

 No HW 

Enjoy the break!

Nov. 24-28

Thanksgiving Break!!

Week of Dec. 1-5

Mon- Intro Motion notes


Tues- Vocab- CW/ HW

Wed- Domino Derby-- CW/ HW

Thurs- Finish Domino Derby 

Practice problems-- HW

Fri- Quiz -- motion

Week of Dec. 8-12

Mon- Intro. Car project

Bring materials for building car-HW

Tues- Sketch control car

Index card car

Bring materials to build car-HW

Wed- Build control car


Thurs-  Build contol car-CW/ HW

Fri- Collect control data - 10 time trials

Week of Dec 15-19

Mon- Modify one part of the control car and collect 10 time trials

Tues- Modified car trials

Add dominoes to car and collect data- CW

Wed- Domino data

Get averages and make graphs- CW

Thurs- Write question, hypothesis, procedure for car report

Fri-Write analysis paragraph

Enjoy the Break!!!

Week of Jan 5-9

Mon- Car report- Analyis, Conclusion, Graphing due Friday Jan. 9th

Tues- Motion Review- CW/HW

Study  for test tomorrow

Wed- Motion Test


Thurs-Intro Astronomy

Notes- Planet ws-- HW

Fri- Planets ws and vocab

Week of Jan 12- 16

Mon- Planet double - bubble- Cw/HW

Hearing/ vision test

Tues- Star Notes 

ws- HW

Wed- Life Cycle of Stars Diagram and Vocab-- CW/ Hw

Thurs- Study guide- Cw/ Hw

Fri- Review for test

Week of Jan 19-23

Mon- No School- Martin Luther King Day

Tues-Review for test-- Review game-- CW/ HW

Wed- Astronomy Test 


Thurs- go over test

End of Semester-- last day!

Semester Review/ goals

Fri- No school-- Teacher in service day

Week of Jan. 26-30

Mon- Intro. Chemistry Unit

Matter notes/ Vocab due Fri

Tues-- Physical/ Chemical Change Foldable-- CW

Wed- Finish foldable

Chemical/ Physical Properties ws-- HW

Thurs- Elements, Compounds and Mixtures reading/ writing--CW/ HW

Fri-- Quiz on Physical and Chemical properties and changes

 No Hw

Week of Jan 2- 6

Mon- Review safety contract

Go Over Quiz

Vocab-- HW due thurs.

Tues-- Micro mixture Lab Procedure-- Review Steps-- HW

Wed- Micro Mixture Separation Lab

No Hw

Thurs-- Vocab due

 Post lab write up- Make graph and write analysis-- CW/ HW

Fri-- Write Conclusion-- 3 paragraphs

Report due next Fri-- Feb. 13th

Week of Feb 9-13

Mon- No School

Tues- States of Matter PPT notes --summary--HW

Wed- States of Matter Vocab--CW/ HW due Fri

Thurs- States of Matter Foldable-- CW/ HW

FRi- Ice Cream Lab

Week of Feb 16-20

Mon- No School

Tues-- Oobleck Lab

Finish questions

Micro mixture lab due Thurs. Feb. 19

Wed- Review for test

Study guide-- HW

Report due Thurs. Feb. 19

Thurs -- Review game

Report due

Fri- Matter Test


Week of Feb 23-27

Mon- Intro Atoms w/s -- CW/ HW

due Fri

Tues-- Atoms ppt notes


​Wed-- Atoms vocab-CW/ HW

due Fri

Thurs-- Atom Family ws--CW/ HW

vocab/ ws due Fri

Fri-- Atom model and brochure-- HW due March 16th

Week of March 2-6

Mon-- Atomic Structure review ws/ Atom structure ws due Tues

Study for Quiz on Tues

Element Model due Tues 3/17

Extra credit element brochure due Tues 3/17


Tues- Quiz- Atomic Structure

Wed- Bohr diagram notes/ practice--CW

Element model/ brochure--HW

Thurs- Bohr diagram ws--CW finish for HW due Fri

Fri- Periodic Table Questions  -- CW finish for HW due Mon

Week of March 9-13

Mon- Color code periodic table 

Study element #1-10 for Quiz on Wed. 

Element model/ extra credit brochure due Tues 3/17

Tues- Counting Atoms notes

ws- due Wed

Study for Quiz--elements #1-10

Wed- Quiz- Elements 1-10

counting atoms pracitce--HW

Thurs -go over quiz

Review game

Fri--Study guide--CW due Monday

Test on Monday

Element model/ brochurec due Tuesday

Week of March 16--20

Mon- Go over test

Project due

Tues- Kennedy registration

Wed- Vocab-- Chemical reactions- due Fri

Thurs-- Notes-- Chemical reactions

Vocab-- Hw

Fri- Slime Lab finish questions for HW

Week of March 23-27

Mon- Acid Base Notes

double bubble-- Hw

Tues-- Acid Base ws- CW/ Hw

Study guide for Benchmark due Thurs

Wed-- Review for Benchmark Test

Study for test--HW

Thurs- 3rd Quarter Benchmark test

FRi-- Chemical reaction experiment!

Week of March 30-April 3

Spring Break!! Enjoy!!

Week of April 6-10

Mon--Intro Roller coaster project

Vocab on Energy-- HW due Fri

Tues-- Roller coaster types-- Notes

Diagram- Rough drafft-- HW

Wed- Draw final diagram and begin building coaster

Today  build and measure one feature--RECORD  data

Thurs-- Build and measure 2 features

Fri-- Build and measure 3-5 features

Vocab due 


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