Walker JHS

Band 2 - K.Zelazo
Class Assignments

HOLIDAY CONCERT SCHEDULE                                            
The Walker Band concerts are December 11 & 12.   Check below to see which one you are playing at.  The concerts start at 7:00 pm and last about an hour, and are held in the Walker gym.  The concerts are free and everyone is invited.  Attendance at the concert is part of your grade.   Every band member must attend. You have all worked hard and we need everyone there for a successful performance. If there is a problem, email me or send a note before the concert.  Students need to arrive in uniform at the bandroom at 6:45.   I'm looking forward to a fun evening of great music.  Keep practicing!  All students will stay for the entire performance.  See you there!

BEGINNING BANDS   Periods 1 & 7 - Wednesday, Dec. 11     Period 5 - Thurs., Dec. 12
For the concert wear dark, solid colored jeans or pants –, blue, black, brown, gray.  Don't wear shorts or skirts.  
Shirt - any color, stripes, plaid, plain, etc.- look nice.  No T-shirts with pictures or words, no sweatshirts.

Your concert is Thursday, December 12.  Your uniform is black pants (no shorts or skirts), a nice white shirt
(no T-shirts), black socks that cover your ankles, and black shoes.  Boy’s shirts need to be tucked in.  Look nice.

You will play 4 concerts- Dec. 11, 12, 13, & 16.  The 11th & 12th are our own concerts at 7:00 pm in the gym.   
We will have a combined rehearsal p. 2 & 3 on Dec. 11 in the gym to prepare for the concerts
The school assembly concert is Friday, Dec. 13.  Wear your uniform to school on the 13th. 
The 16th we perform in the Kennedy Theater at 7:00 pm along with the Kennedy bands.  You must take your instrument with you after school for the concert.  Meet me in the Kennedy band room at 6:40 pm in uniform.  The Walker band room will not be open that night.  We will play three of our pieces and then the Kennedy bands will play. This is a great opportunity to hear the Kennedy bands and to play in a professional auditorium.  Students will need to stay for the entire performance.
The uniform for all concerts is:  Walker Band shirt, black pants, black socks that come above your ankles, and all-black shoes.  Shirts must be tucked in.



The OC Register fundraiser is still going on.  For $1 you get the Sunday newspaper for a year.  Our band receives $10 for each $1 subscription.  Please subscribe if you haven't yet and support our band.  Flyers are available in the band room, and will be a table at the concert where you can fill it out and turn it in right there.  Fundraiser ends Dec. 20.

Thanks to all who turned in the $19.99 subscription.  The band received $1200 to buy instruments and equipment .  : )

Posted Thursday, May 16, 2024

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